Mani Transport - Areopoli - General Transport Mani Attiki - Kalapotharakos Vasilios Transport - Laconia Attica Removals

Mani Transport - Areopoli - General Transport Mani Attiki - Kalapotharakos Vasilios Transport - Laconia Attica Removals

12330 Visitors:
Address: Areopoli
Area: Lakonia
Telephone: 6974436167(ΚΩΣΤΑΣ)
Mobile: -
P.C.: 23062
Fax: -
Responsible: -
Responsible phone: -
Website: -
The company "MANIS TRANSPORT" under the management of "KALAPOTHARAKOU KASILIOU" is based in Areopoli, Laconia and is active in the transport sector throughout Greece. Based on our long experience, professionalism and consistency, the company undertakes transportation throughout the Peloponnese, Attica and throughout Greece. All transport and small freight are carried out safely with our own vehicles. We provide: Lifting machine - packing and storage We deal...
12330 Visitors:

Areopoli, Lakonia

12330 Visitors:

The company "MANIS TRANSPORT" under the management of "KALAPOTHARAKOU KASILIOU" is based in Areopoli, Laconia and is active in the transport sector throughout Greece.

Based on our long experience, professionalism and consistency, the company undertakes transportation throughout the Peloponnese, Attica and throughout Greece.

All transport and small freight are carried out safely with our own vehicles.

We provide:

Lifting machine - packing and storage

We deal with:

by transport - trade in firewood and feed

We are known for:

Knowledge of the subject
Quality service
Safe transportation


Mani Transport - Areopoli - General Transport Mani Attica Furniture transfers
Mani Transport - Areopoli - General Transport Mani Attica Transportation of household appliances
Mani Transport - Areopoli - General Transport Mani Attica Electrical equipment transfers
Mani Transport - Areopoli - General Transport Mani Attica Transportation of business equipment
Mani Transport - Areopoli - General Transport Mani Attica Freight transport
12330 Visitors:


Telephone: 6974436167(ΚΩΣΤΑΣ)

Working Hours
